If this is your first time to use Zoom, follow these instructions

1. You’ll see the words: “A download should start automatically in a few seconds.”
2. Then launch the Zoom program by clicking where it says “Click Here” or “Click Zoom,” depending on your browser.
3. You’ll see a window asking: “Do you want to run this file?” Click “Run. You may also see “Do you want the following program to make changes to this computer?” Click Yes
4. A progress bar will show as it installs.
5. Enter Your Name when requested, and click “Join Meeting.”
6. Click “Join with Computer Audio”
7. Very important: Make certain that the microphone in the lower left corner of the video windows has a red line through it to mute your microphone.

To Join Immanuel’s Zoom Service By Telephone:
Zoom Meeting ID: 310 989 848
Passcode: 747870

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