Youth Program
ELCA National Youth Gathering 2024
ELCA National Youth Gathering is finally going to be held this year July 16-20th.
Any youth going into 9th grade to those who have completed their first year of college are eligible to attend this amazing event. This year the gathering will be held in New Orleans, and we will gather with 20,000+ high schoolers to deepen our faith on the theme “Created To Be”. (Click here for the invitation video)
At this event, there will be mission projects, bible studies, faith formation, games, and lots of fun activities. If you are interested in attending, please see Danny or Pastor Josh!
Special Event Calendar
1/27 (Sat): 7pm Youth Bowling Night at Homestead Lanes for all youth 6-12 grades (RSVP to Danny)
2/24 (Sat): 6pm Laser Tag (Youth Night Out) at San Carlos Laser Maxx (RSVP to Danny)
3/16 (Sat): 7pm Mini Golf (Youth Night Out) at Sunnyvale Golfland (RSVP to Danny)
7/15-20: ELCA National Youth Gathering in New Orleans RSVP to Danny by January 21st, please.
-Entering 9th grade to exiting 12th graders are eligible to attend
We are excited to have an active youth program at Immanuel! Some of the activities that we invite all children and teens to participate in include such as Trunk-or-Treat, Dinner Theater, Church Services, Confirmation, Bowling Night, Laser Tag Night Out, Miniature Golf, and Community Service Projects. Past trips include the Western States Lutheran Youth Gathering, The San Diego Mission Trip, and the annual Mission Trip to Mexico, our biggest event. The Mission Trip to Mexico is where the youth spend a week in Tijuana building a house for a needy family. The ministry is run by Lutheran Border Concerns. The youth spend time working with families at the home site helping to upgrade their home and property. Along with building a home, the youth also run a VBS (Vacation Bible School) for the local kids in the community. To read stories from our youth about their experiences on mission trips go HERE and HERE.
Listed below are examples of some of the events we had for the youth of the church and our surrounding community.
Sr. High Youth Group (9th-12th Grade)
We encourage our Senior High Youth to stay involved in the church, especially through our weekly Sunday Youth Group. Our youth group is led by Youth Director, Danny Dye, and is a fun way to connect with other teens through games, outings and devotions. Keep an eye on our calendar up above for other activities, service projects and mission trips.
We will also have monthly nights out to have fun and get to know each other.
Junior High (6th-8th Grade)
The main focus of our Jr. High program is Confirmation.
Also throughout the year there are monthly fun activities such as laser tag, mini golf, bowling and progressive dinners.