The Praise Team leads worship through music at the Contemporary 9 AM service. To further this mission we rehearse twice a month - 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month, 7:30 PM in the sanctuary.  We welcome you to check it out as we are open for any who wish to participate, singers or instrumentalists.  All that is required is an openness to whatever form the music may take as there is a large component of improvisation in our approach.  We cannot precisely know where this journey will eventually take us, but we can be sure that in partnership with God we are certain to be surprised and delighted. God has chosen to partner with us in this process. His participation means that even though the team works hard at polishing their craft, there is a synergy which bursts forth with unexpected beauty. Thanks to God for creating this possibility, thanks to the congregation for their support and encouragement, and thanks to the Praise Team for putting their best offerings out there.   - Praise Team Coordinator, Perry Thoorsell