"Freely you have received, freely give"  Matthew 10:8

"Freely you have received, freely give"  Matthew 10:8

2018 Stewardship Emphasis

Our theme this year is “Circle of Giving.” Generosity begins with God’s gift to us of life, talents, loved ones, assets, and opportunities. These blessings begin the Circle of Giving. We then have the opportunity in life to bless others with the same generosity we have received. Here at Immanuel the generosity that each of us offers works to strengthen all who come to this church, as well as the church’s ministries and programs; which then benefit and strengthen our lives and Christian discipleship. And so the circle grows.

Blessings that this Circle of Giving supports are numerous, and include vibrant youth, confirmation, and children’s ministries; outreach to people in need here and throughout the world through Immanuel’s local and global missions partnerships; meaningful, creative worship services that grow our spirituality and give us strength and strategies for successful daily living; the opportunity to share Jesus’ unique Gospel of forgiveness and reconciliation so needed by people near and far in these conflicted times.

Pledges of support are gratefully received. All who would like to make a pledge of support for this year can go to our pledge page here, print it, and return it to the church office.

We thank all of Immanuel's friends for their dedicated and ongoing support, as we work together to change our world through the ripples we create in the name of Jesus Christ.