2015 Stewardship Emphasis
All of us are familiar with the role of a sitter, one who is put in charge of caring for another’s home, child, or pet. It is a sacred trust to be given the responsibility to care for something of value on behalf of another person. In a similar way God has entrusted to us the great treasures of this life: our bodies, relationships, talents, possessions, and the earth itself. In other words, God has appointed us to be “Earth-sitters,” not owners of the earth and its treasures, but caretakers on God’s behalf (the biblical word is stewards, from which we get the word stewardship). Thus, for Christians a major question in life is: “How well am I managing and using the gifts God has given to me?”
This idea of using our life’s gifts well is the theme our 2015 stewardship emphasis. Through this theme we want to explore many areas of our stewardship in the church – our abilities and talents, offerings, and also the stewardship of our ideas – how we can partner together to develop creative ideas for Immanuel’s future mission. Through faithful support we can continue to grow this congregation’s vision, mission, and resources.
Pledges of support are gratefully received. All who would like to make a pledge of support for this year can go to our pledge page here, print it, and return it to the church office.
We thank all of Immanuel's friends for their dedicated ongoing support. EarthSitting, caring for the gracious gifts of God in this world, is our privilege as God’s people.